What are Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and how do they differ from courses offered at my high school?
Career and Technical education (CTE) is a term used to describe approved courses that provide career training. These courses are taught by experts in the field and meet the rigorous accountability standards set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. In addition, these programs are guided by regional employers, trade associations, apprenticeship programs, and credentialing agencies to ensure that instruction, equipment, safety processes, and curriculum all meet industry standards. High schools often offer exploratory courses that are taught by industrial arts or family and consumer science teachers. These courses are valuable foundational courses that provide students with exposure into career areas.
How will a typical day look?
Students will attend UBCTS for one half of their school day and will spend the other half at their sending high school completing the required academic courses. Transportation is provided by the sending districts..
What are the benefits of receiving a career and technical education?
Students who achieve academic and technical proficiency are college and career ready. Students may continue their education at a post-secondary institution, often receiving advanced standing through articulated credits. This means earning a degree for less money and in less time. Students may enter directly into the workforce and earn competitive wages. Students sometimes opt to do both; using their training to obtain employment to help support themselves through their post-secondary career.
Must I pay tuition to attend the technical school?
All students who attend Palisades, Pennridge, or Quakertown Community school districts may attend free of charge. Students who are homeschooled or attend charter schools will need to speak with their district of residence to inquire about their enrollment policies. Students whose attendance is not sponsored by their resident district may apply directly to our school, but will have to pay the average cost per pupil in tuition.
May I participate in activities at my high school?
Yes, students are able to participate in all athletics and other extra-curricular activities. In addition, UBCTS also offers Career and Technical Student Organizations like SkillsUSA, HOSA, FFA, and NTHS as well as a Student Ambassador program.